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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Bachelor: Women Tell All

And tell all they did...although, these were some mean and insensitive women I must say. It's funny how the show can show people in such a different light. I think I even changed my opinion of Michelle!

Before diving into the women, I would like to say that Brad seemed very relaxed and satisfied with his decision. Hopefully that's because he picked someone with maturity and a softness to her...ahem, Emily. I like Chantal, but I just don't see it lasting. Emily has maturity years beyond her actual age and it shows. Also, at the end, when they were recapping his relationship with each girl, Brad made a comment about how he feels about marriage and each girl. With Chantal, he said that he could see himself marrying her. With Emily he said that he wanted to marry her. Well, we all know that most people do (or strive to do) what they want. I can't wait for next week to see whether my hunch is right!

Now for the women...I must say, I was disappointed in several of them. Jackie seemed much more aggressive than I had originally thought she was. She must have really been hurt by Michelle to react like that, but also, she was VERY opinionated. Stacey hit a new low on the show and blatantly questioned Michelle's mothering skills and THEN denied it. I didn't buy it that she was so ignorant that her comment didn't insult Michelle as a mother. It clearly did and she clearly meant it. My mother taught me that if you can't say anything nice, then don't say it at all. I have nothing more to say about that...

The Melissa vs. Raichel thing always seemed very adolescent to me so I was disappointed they discussed that again. Melissa did apologize on national TV to all the women and to Raichel so it seemed that she learned from the situation. Raichel, not so much. It was disappointing to me to see a grown women hold a grudge like that. Since they obviously won't be friends, then what difference does it make to swallow your pride and apologize. I just don't get it. If I wasn't already glad to have such wonderful girl friends in my life who aren't catty like this, then I wasespecially grateful after seeing this exchange. Thank you dear friends!

I was glad to see that Ashley H. and Ashley S. have grown since their time on the show. Both girls were classy and were honest about their experience. Not much to say there except that it's clear that the more mature women were kept on the show longer. Brad has that going for him at least!

Finally, there was Michelle. I honestly think that I've changed my opinion about her. Of course, if my previous narcissistic diagnosis had been true, then this could be seen as Michelle using her emotions to get what she wanted. In this case, public attention. But I honestly don't think that was the case. Michelle seemed honestly shocked and hurt that she had hurt others. I thought that she cried genuine tears over the hurt that she had caused in others and the fact that she hadn't intended to do that. It also seemed to me that the women who knew Michelle the best thought that her commentary was hilarious and hadn't taken offense to anything Michelle said at all. All that to say, I truly felt badly for Michelle and would now like to go back and re-watch her commentary for the humor in it. Of course, we the viewers didn't know anything about Michelle besides what we were shown so immediately we think that Michelle is self-centered and mean. But it seems that she is just super sarcastic. Who knew! One final thing, I saw a lot of maturity in Michelle when she apologized publicly, called Stacey out in a classy way, said that she thought Emily would be a good fit for Brad, and admitted to Brad that she thought he was right when he said that they were too much alike. Go Michelle!!!

Well, that's it for now. I cannot WAIT to see what happens next week! I truly hope that I will not be disappointed...

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