If you've been reading this blog, you know that The Wizard of Oz has a special place in my heart. I thought it was appropriate that I get to see the actual shoes used from the film during this stage of my life. When I started writing this blog, I felt as though I had just clicked my heels three times, whispered "there's no place like home", and ended up back in my own backyard. I thought that when I moved back home, it would be temporary and soon enough, I would be back out again on some adventure. But like Dorothy, I think that everything I have truly been looking for could exist right in my own backyard. Sure, there are still days when I miss the mountains of Colorado or my favorite restaurants in Chicago. And yes, I still don't have answers to some of the things I have been praying for, but I have been feeling more at peace about those prayers. I have been learning how to trust God more and my faith in Him has grown infinitely over the past nine months. I have been finding myself again and discovering who I am as an individual. I am remembering that I like who I am. I think I forgot that when I was in my last relationship. I was trying so hard to fit into the conditions of the person I was with, that I forgot who I was. I don't like that I did that, but now I have the freedom to take it back. I like me. I like the qualities God has given me and I know that He has good purpose for me as is.
The more time that passes since last November, the more sure I am that I made the right decision in moving back to Connecticut. I have more confidence in the direction God is leading me, even though it doesn't always seem to make a lot of sense. I often feel confused over what I'm doing at my new job, but each day is a challenge and each day I learn a little bit more. I'm excited to see what else God might have in store for me now that I've returned to my own backyard. Although, I would like to have my own pair of ruby slippers. Just because they're pretty...
We are on the exact same journey. Love it!